Tis Beatles Whence Landed

Here is a sample from a 15 minute clip made from every newsreel, news report, raw footage, etc filmed of the boys arriving in America on February 7, 1964 in New York City, NY at JFK Airport! Enjoy! Katmak21

I was only 10 years old then, but I was convinced that this was the life for me: to be rich and famous and a musician. Well, I became a musician…albeit, rich in debt and famous among creditors.

originally posted: 02/07/13

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A Kink to Xmas


We’ve come a long way indeed from those Dickensian Christmases of old; each passing year bringing a newfangled style of yuletide diversion. Now the proprietors of one Chelsea (Manhattan) boutique are even catering to those who are into more bizarre, leather-based festivities…with accompanying chains, rubber gear, and recalcitrant attitudes.

Nasty Pig sells a combination of casual men’s clothing and fetish gear, so it makes sense that their Christmas windows are just a tad kinkier than the usual holiday display. Stylist Polar Buranasatit dressed two Rootstein mannequins as a beardless Santa and his harness-wearing sidekick Rudolph. {read more} Racked/ photo gallery

What would Marley’s Ghost have to say to all of this? Then again, he was into chains himself.

Subway Geisha


Earlier this month, Photo Booth looked at the New York City subway over time. This week, they’ve curated a selection of contemporary images from subways around the world. Click-through for a slideshow: http://nyr.kr/10JfLhy via  The New Yorker

I’m happy to see that Madame Butterfly is alive and well and commuting. This wasn’t seen in New York; our subway couldn’t look this good, even if it was photo-shopped.

Picture Stroll Through the Chelsea Market


The Chelsea Market in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District. A cornucopia of fine stores, tasty delicacies and chic frivolity. In fact, the Food Network uses the CM as its NYC studio. As evidenced here, it’s also a great place for picture-taking jaunts.




via People Watching in Chelsea Market


Shoot ‘Em Up Comfort Zone


Do you remember playing this antique shooting gallery that was next to our Spook-A-Rama for many years? It was made right here in Coney Island at WF Mangels factory. We’ve taken it out of storage and are letting Coney Island USA install it in their building on Surf Ave where Denny’s Ice Cream used to be! Thanks to Charles Denson of the Coney Island History Project for his 1975 photo–Coney Island History Project.

In the days before shoot ’em up video games, and when away from an actual shooting range or combat zone, these were usually the locales for those of us anxious to shoot off some steam. Schools, office buildings, movie theatres, etc, were concerned with other forms of business; their functions being far less multidimensional.

However, Charles Whitman‘s groundbreaking virtuosity at the University of Texas in 1966 should have given us pause to see a bad moon rising through the blood-drenched novelty of it all. But I digress.



Some Noisy Peace and Quiet


You could have knocked me over with a whisper when I learned that Midtown Manhattan (of all places) was the quietest part of town…well, select parts of it at least. Whether this is based in fact or delirium, phenomenon or pure irony, is unknown to current science and logic. The bizarre fact is that complaints, if not noise, have decreased in Midtown as well as in Tribeca, the Financial District, Battery Park City and the Seaport sections.

The Brick Underground reported that “these relatively quiet zones logged around 93 percent fewer residential noise complaints than the loudest area—Washington Heights/ Inwood—where 6,439 such grievances were filed last year.”

Harlem and the East Village ranked 2nd and 3rd respectively in noisiest areas with intrusive noise being a constant thorn in the side of residents there. For your added study, NYC’s noise codes are found here and the daily grind of noise emanating from non-residential sections here.

Nonetheless, I don’t believe that any area of this city is that much quieter than any other area; if anything, noise is as predominant as ever and maybe more so. What I do believe is that New Yorkers have simply resigned themselves to the inevitable and, perhaps, merely stopped listening.