Tis Beatles Whence Landed

Here is a sample from a 15 minute clip made from every newsreel, news report, raw footage, etc filmed of the boys arriving in America on February 7, 1964 in New York City, NY at JFK Airport! Enjoy! Katmak21

I was only 10 years old then, but I was convinced that this was the life for me: to be rich and famous and a musician. Well, I became a musician…albeit, rich in debt and famous among creditors.

originally posted: 02/07/13

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Frost Catch of the Night


These hardy fishermen at Steeplechase Pier were among the few people encountered last night by photographer Bruce Handy on his walk through snowy Coney Island. Later this month, Bruce’s photos will be on view in “A Stroll Through Coney Island Among Friends,” a photo exhibit featuring the work of five photographers and friends. The exhibit opens on February 22 at Coney Island USA’s Shooting Gallery/Arts Annex on Surf Avenue.

via Amusing the Zillion


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Dickensian Under Snow

New York City - Snow - Janus - East Village Lights

                                   New York CityEast Village in the Snow

The Village is one of those places that, when it snows, transforms itself into a winter scene out of Dickens. Any neighborhood that could show such respect to my lifelong favorite writer deserves my utmost congratulations. Having said that, this is one helluva cold winter we’re having!

Photo Source (Full Gallery) NY Through the Lens


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Dressed to Freeze

polar vortex                                                                                   Photo: Shel Serkin

Hundreds of millions of Americans may be shivering in their diapers due to the big, scary Polar Vortex that’s swept down from the Kingdom of the North, but for New Yorkers accustomed to crawling over jagged mountains of shattered skulls just to get to the subway every morning, it’s just another day in paradise. The temperature is currently a balmy 5 degrees Fahrenheit, so to cool off you’ll want to get as close to the river as possible, where refreshing wind chills make it feel like 16 below. It’s good to be alive! Gothamist

Yes, Polar Vortex is in town and he’s really putting on a show. He was photographed this morning, strolling along a stretch of permafrost, looking cool and inconspicuous. He reportedly took some time out to autograph a few snowballs, do a bit of window shopping, while customarily jostling his way through crowds. His present whereabouts are unknown but it’s rumored that he’s headed for the top of the Empire State Building.

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That Long Ago Snow

times square blizzard 47

New York City during the great blizzard of 1947 – evocative of the scene this morning, as the city digs out from the snow.

Life (photo gallery)




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Anonymous Cheer


For decades upon decades, numerous teams of volunteers at the Postal Service‘s Operation Santa have answered “Dear Santa” letters from children. Many post offices across America not only answered the letters but also had their volunteers deliver the letters (even gifts, at times) in person to the kids’ homes. Even this ancient blogger, on Christmas Eve 1958 when he was 4 years old, received a Santa hand-delivered letter and trinket at his apartment door. As I remember it (or, most likely, was told), Santa appeared to have had a little too much eggnog…in other words, he was apparently boozified.

However, that was long ago and it’s now relegated to a folio of personal Christmas memories. Sadly, the Operation Santa’s in-person visits from Santa may eventually be only a memory as well.

Among its list of benevolent volunteers, it was discovered that a convicted sex offender was unwittingly employed as a staff member. After a brief suspension of activity, while this person (and, presumably, any other threat) was weeded out, Operation Santa resumed its mailings. Postal workers are now blocking any personal information from volunteers, substituting codes, and face-to-face meetings with children will almost certainly never again occur.

A post office spokesman says “The spirit of giving is still there, but times change.” Indeed they do. In this day and age of cyberspace living, it’s only a matter of time before Operation Santa will become just another feature of virtual reality.


Frosty Kayaking

kayaking coney island
There’s probably nothing better than kayaking in Coney Island in December…except for not doing it at all.
Kayaking anyone? Charles Denson stepped out of the Coney Island History Project to find this kayaker parked in snowy Dreamland Plaza! — at Coney Island History Project.